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An Apology To Sandra Bland And Black Women Who Have Died At The Hands Of Police Brutality

Dear Sandra,

You don’t know me and I never got a chance to meet you but on behalf of myself and every Black woman who is enraged about your murder, I just want to say simply, that I’m sorry. I’m sorry that the justice system that our ancestors marched, protested and organized to reform in the 20th century failed you miserably in the 21st century. I’m sorry that you sounded off on social media against social injustice with your very inspiring vlog “Sandra Speaks” and fell victim to one of your biggest issues: racism and police brutality. I’m sorry that though America continue to suggest that if people of color, Black people in particular, would practice respectability then we will be deemed as acceptable to society. Well according to societal standards, you were the face of respectability. A college graduate of Prairie View A&M University you were active in your community and you were on your way to starting a new job and new life in Texas. But somehow your lifeless body ended up in a jail cell in Waller County over something that should not have earned you a ticket. You were merely changing lanes without turning on a signal. I am sorry that all of your beautiful dreams, goals, and aspirations for not only yourself but for our people ended over a traffic stop. I’m sorry that all of this happened, but my heart and spirit has a glimmer of hope because I know that your death was not in vain. Just like you dedicated your life to serving our people, Black female activist all across the globe will use your legacy to not only receive justice for your senseless murder, but to use community service as a way of social action in our respective cities.

Sandra though you did not know me and I did not know you, we are forever intertwined in the fight for social justice, community outreach and educating future Black female activists to come. Live peacefully in Heaven



Ariana Johnson is a graduate student at the University of Akron.

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