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So What's Next: Strategies That Should Be Implemented After the 2014 Election

Democrats once again have felt the sting of Defeat last year all over the country during these past midterm elections Republicans all over the country shouted in victory and triumph once again dominated Congress and the Senate and being an out-spoken Democrat I curled up in a corner when I found out the Ohio Democratic Candidates Like Ed Fitzgerald, Attorney David Pepper and Nina turner lost their races for Governor, Attorney General and Secretary of State to the Republican Incumbents John Kasich, Mike DeWine and Jon Husted it made me twinge the next day when it really stuck in that the same public policy that has tried to suspend public funding for rape crisis centers in Ohio if they Counsel Clinics on a woman’s right to choose, failed to promote the expansion of Medicaid for many Ohioans who are need of Healthcare providing some underqualified charter schools the same amount of money that is very much needed in public schools throughout Ohio and though the Republican administration promised to add 250,000 new jobs it seems very small in the grand scheme of things when Ohio has already lost 400,000 jobs for 400,000 Ohioans and the fact that it will remain that way for the next four years and though there was a silver linings for African Americans when Mia Love was the first African American to be elected into Congress Representing Utah’s 4th District as a Republican is is still bittersweet, I can’t help to think about the backlash that various communities are going because of the lack of Democratic Influence that should be represented in Congress, the Senate , courthouses and statehouses all over the country Particularly in the African American community,

but there is no need to cry over spilled milk or to trip over elephant foot prints what’s done is done and now more than ever it is imperative for the African American community to mobilize locally and statewide and work for the betterment of Education Healthcare plans like Medicare and Obamacare improving benefits for retirement plans ,raising the minimum wage and providing more employment opportunities with better benefits. We as the African American community must fight and push for these issues for the sake of our children, working class families, retirees and senior citizens even if members of Congress and the Senate won’t.

What we can do is to help our governmental officials locally and statewide. in Cleveland, Ohio we have several leaders who look out for the communities and the districts that they represent. Leaders like Councilman Jeff Johnson, State

Senator Sandra Williams, and newly elected Cuyahoga County Executive Armond Budish are working tirelessly to improve the lives of their constituents by protecting the ballot, providing initiatives for fair housing, providing health care access lobbying to provide more jobs in their districts and creating mediation for neighborhood disputes to end violence on the streets. It is our responsibility to support leaders like this so that we can continue to show the decision makers in our state capitols and in Washington D.C. that we will not be ignored or denied. We have to attend ward city council and school board meetings so that legislation will not be passed without our say so, now more than ever Political Activism is important in the African American community with issues like Gun Violence, Police Brutality, health care, unemployment lack of funding for schools and educational programs and policies that still continue to pay women the 77 cents to the dollar that a man makes we have to rally behind governmental officials who try to provide equality and a better way of living both economically and socially to the people that they serve in their various communities.

Another thing that we have to do post midterm elections 2014 is bring awareness is our most influential strategy and it is right at out fingertips social media Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr is not just for posting new pictures or checking out the latest drama from the Real Housewives or Love and Hip Hop Franchises, it is also needed to bring attention to the problems of the African American community and the need for Policy makers and Legislatures to help alleviate these issues through solid communication from their Constituents. Bloggers like the African American Political Pundit, Politically Bougie to the Root, the Grio and the Black Agenda Report have sounded off in the Blogosphere about political issues, it has been proven time and time again that social media has the real political influence in the hallow halls of government, time and time again during the social media era policies and legislation were created to help provide more access to health care for American families, Raising the minimum wage, providing gender equality through equal pay in the workplace because of activist creating hashtags, posting memes and videos that encourage Congress and the Senate to do the right thing for the people that they represent in their various districts.

One more thing that the African American Community should do is to support Local Political Organizations and groups. In Cleveland ( Where I am from)there are various Political groups that bring awareness and encourage activism. Organizations like the Black Women’s Political Action Committee not only help to endorse candidates and go door to door for them but they also stand in front of churches encouraging Cleveland residents to vote for levy’s for better school buildings to standing in front of the Board of elections to encourage people to vote. BWPAC is an influential force in the Political community in Cleveland, However it is very unfortunate that many Cleveland residents do not know them outside of the Political community. It is very important that organizations like the Black Women’s Political Action Committee to have support so when Conservative Government officials try to implement ridiculous policies like more income taxes we can stop them dead in their tracks.

So though one can say I am still a little of upset about the Democratic melee of November 4. I am also encouraged that this setback can bring unity and groom the next Political and social activists in our nation.

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