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I Will Be Black Anywhere I Please !!!!!

On Wednesday evening it was reported to the world that a 21 year old man in Charleston SC walked into the historic Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church and killed nine people including the pastor who welcomed him into open arms when he wanted to “join” the weekly bible study some parts of the country cried and were ashamed of the violent reality that Black people have to deal with every day in America, Of course people went to social media to express their pain and disgust about another senseless hate crime. What was very noticeable about the responses on social media sites like twitter was the question of where can we be black, it is very apparent that over the past 3 years it has been questioned by society if a Black Person has the right to be in this country, be with a can of tea and a bag of skittles, play loud music at a gas station, in a Walmart parking lot, in front a store or even at a children’s pool party and now even at a church during Bible study. The answer to this question is yes, we can be Black in this country because being black created this country. For over the past 400 years Black people have literally given our blood, sweat and tears to make the American Dream a Reality the first man to give his life for America during the American revolutionary war was a black man named Crispus Attucks the “ Sacred: government buildings in Washington D.C. was designed by the Black scientist Benjamin Bannaker, the traffic light was invented by Garrett Morgan the first open heart surgery was done by Charles Drew a Black doctor, all of the major social movements like the Anti-war, Gay rights and the modern feminist movement followed the strategies of the 1960’s civil rights movement, even the American delights like the Ice cream scoop and the super soaker were created by black inventors Alfred L Cralle and Lonnie Johnson. All of these contributions by black people have made the American Project a success but we experience daily the failure in America for being black? the answer is yes, we can Black in America. Black is beautiful, Genius, Captivating Charismatic and most of all the back bone of this country and if some people don’t understand it so be it, it will not stop black people being in this country because the legacy of this country is black people .

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